the one thing i did to heal my gut and mind

okay, so i have talked about happy juice three times on my blog now, and i am so so excited to share with y’all how this drink has completely flipped my life from one extreme to another. i have touched on this in a couple spots on my social media, and here in blogs, but i want to dive into the specifics and details. so grab some popcorn and enjoy the show!

my life in arizona

so my story begins when i moved out to arizona for school. it started as such a beautiful, fun, exciting time and very quickly turned into a very negative experience for my mental and physical health. now i want to preface this by saying i do not regret going to arizona. it taught me so much about myself, about how to take care of myself, it gave me some of my favorite connections and friendships that i would not trade for the world. i would not have even tried happy juice if i didn’t go there, so everything happens for a reason!!

about a year into living in arizona, i had my “dream” job, my “dream” internship, and was majoring in something i was very passionate about. the flip side of this however, is i was more depressed than ever. i had no motivation to get out of bed, i barely ever got myself up to show up to my internship, i never went to class. the only thing i could get myself to do was work. as you can imagine, a life of nothing but going to work and coming home and being miserable is not a fun life to live.

the moment i flipped the switch

so how did i go from literal rock bottom, wanting nothing more than to crawl in a hole, to now, loving every second of my life- even the less appealing moments. to be honest, i just broke. i was so miserable for SO long. y’all i was literally in EUROPE crying over how much i hated my life, and how miserable i was. i was in PARIS having panic attacks on the train because my mind was beating me up so bad. i got back from that trip, and i saw one of my good friends posting about this BS called Happy Juice. i laughed about it and forgot about it. but then i kept watching her. i kept watching her post about the changes she was noticing, about the transformation she was experiencing. i watched her for THREE MONTHS. i watched her for three. freaking. months. i watched her live the life i wanted for myself and then one day i literally snapped. i called my mom (bless her heart) and told her that i was seriously fighting urges to drive myself off the road. i told her i needed change. in the next 48 hours, i dropped out of college, i moved in with my friend while i waited to finish out my job, i packed all of my things up and sent them to south carolina. 2 weeks later, my mom flew to arizona and her and i drove me to south carolina. i suffered for months and months, and in a matter of two weeks, got sick of it and completely changed my life.

enter: happy juice

my first couple weeks in south carolina were a complete shitshow. my brain was scattered across the country, i was trying to get all my things together in my new home, trying to establish a new job, all of the things and they were so overwhelming. i was so stressed. i was still having panic attacks.

the first day i tried happy juice, i was very skeptical. i had been in such a low place for so long, i thought, “there is no way a drink can solve my problems.” and i’m not going to sit here and tell you that this is a cure-all thing. stuff still hits the fan, i still have my bad days BUT i am able to handle it SO MUCH better. i am able to handle the stressful days and overwhelming to-do lists with grace.

i want to talk specifically about school while i’m here. to be completely candid, i was damn near failing out of school. i was holding on by a thread. and now, i am back in school. school for me just started last week, and i have so much motivation and focus, that i am not only able to balance this blog, my social media, my email newsletter, AND SCHOOL, but i am AHEAD!!! i am two weeks ahead in class and i am so so freaking proud of myself.

this is your sign to pat yourself on the back

love y’all!!


how i changed my entire life in 8 months


3 supplements you need to add to your daily routine